The Ten Books on Architecture, 5.5.2

Vitruvius  translated by Morris Hicky Morgan

« Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.6 | About This Work »

2The arrangement of these vessels, with reference to the situations in which they should be placed, may be described as follows. If the theatre be of no great size, mark out a horizontal range halfway up, and in it construct thirteen arched niches with twelve equal spaces between them, so that of the above mentioned “echea” those which give the note nete hyperbolaeon may be placed first on each side, in the niches which are at the extreme ends; next to the ends and a fourth below in pitch, the note nete diezeugmenon; third, paramese, a fourth below; fourth, nete synhemmenon; fifth, mese, a fourth below; sixth, hypate meson, a fourth below; and in the middle and another fourth below, one vessel giving the note hypate hypaton.

« Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.6 | About This Work »