The Ten Books on Architecture, 7.6

Vitruvius  translated by Morris Hicky Morgan

« Vitr. 7.5 | Vitr. 7.6 | Vitr. 1.1 | About This Work »

Marble for Use in Stucco

6Marble is not produced everywhere of the same kind. In some places the lumps are found to contain transparent grains like salt, and this kind when crushed and ground is extremely serviceable in stucco work. In places where this is not found, the broken bits of marble or “chips,” as they are called, which marble-workers throw down as they work, may be crushed and ground and used in stucco after being sifted. In still other places—for example, on the borderland of Magnesia and Ephesus—there are places where it can be dug out all ready to use, without the need of grinding or sifting, but as fine as any that is crushed and sifted by hand.

« Vitr. 7.5 | Vitr. 7.6 | Vitr. 1.1 | About This Work »