The Ten Books on Architecture, 5.5.1

Vitruvius  translated by Morris Hicky Morgan

« Vitr. 5.4 | Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.6 | About This Work »

Sounding Vessels in the Theatre

5In accordance with the foregoing investigations on mathematical principles, let bronze vessels be made, proportionate to the size of the theatre, and let them be so fashioned that, when touched, they may produce with one another the notes of the fourth, the fifth, and so on up to the double octave. Then, having constructed niches in between the seats of the theatre, let the vessels be arranged in them, in accordance with musical laws, in such a way that they nowhere touch the wall, but have a clear space all round them and room over their tops. They should be set upside down, and be supported on the side facing the stage by wedges not less than half a foot high. Opposite each niche, apertures should be left in the surface of the seat next below, two feet long and half a foot deep.

« Vitr. 5.4 | Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.6 | About This Work »