The Ten Books on Architecture, 9.5.2

Vitruvius  translated by Joseph Gwilt

« Vitr. 9.5 | Vitr. 9.5 | Vitr. 9.6 | About This Work »

2Under its belly, at the tail, is the Centaur. Near the cup and Leo is the ship Argo, whose prow is hidden, but the mast and parts about the steerage are clearly seen. The Ship and its poop touch the tip of the Dog’s tail. The smaller Dog is behind the Twins at the head of the Snake, and the larger follows the smaller Dog. Orion lies transversely under, pressed on by the hoof of the Bull, holding a shield in his left hand and with the club in his right hand raised towards Gemini;

« Vitr. 9.5 | Vitr. 9.5 | Vitr. 9.6 | About This Work »