The Ten Books on Architecture, 7.8.1

Vitruvius  translated by Joseph Gwilt

« Vitr. 7.7 | Vitr. 7.8 | Vitr. 7.9 | About This Work »

Of Vermilion and Quicksilver

8I shall now speak of vermilion. This is said to have been first found in the Cilbian fields of the Ephesians, and the manner of procuring and preparing it is very curious. A clod of earth is selected, which, before it is manufactured into vermilion, is called Anthrax, wherein are veins resembling iron, but of a red colour, and having a red dust round them. When dug up, it is beaten with iron bars till a great number of drops of quicksilver exude from it; these are immediately collected by the excavators.

« Vitr. 7.7 | Vitr. 7.8 | Vitr. 7.9 | About This Work »