The Ten Books on Architecture, 5.6.1

Vitruvius  translated by Joseph Gwilt

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Of the Shape of the Theatre

6The form of a theatre is to be adjusted so, that from the centre of the dimension allotted to the base of the perimeter a circle is to be described, in which are inscribed four equilateral triangles, at equal distances from each other, whose points are to touch the circumference of the circle. This is the method also practiced by astrologers in describing the twelve celestial signs, according to the musical division of the constellations. Of these triangles, the side of that which is nearest the scene will determine the face thereof in that part where it cuts the circumference of the circle. Then through the centre a line is drawn parallel to it, which will separate the pulpitum of the proscenium from the orchestra.

« Vitr. 5.5 | Vitr. 5.6 | Vitr. 5.7 | About This Work »