The Ten Books on Architecture, 10.0.1

Vitruvius  translated by Joseph Gwilt

« Vitr. 9.8 | Vitr. 10.0 | Vitr. 10.1 | About This Work »


prIn the magnificent and spacious Grecian city of Ephesus an antient law was made by the ancestors of the inhabitants, hard indeed in its nature, but nevertheless equitable. When an architect was entrusted with the execution of a public work, an estimate thereof being lodged in the hands of a magistrate, his property was held, as security, until the work was finished. If, when finished, the expense did not exceed the estimate, he was complimented with decrees and honours. So when the excess did not amount to more than a fourth part of the original estimate, it was defrayed by the public, and no punishment was inflicted. But when more than one-fourth of the estimate was exceeded, he was required to pay the excess out of his own pocket.

« Vitr. 9.8 | Vitr. 10.0 | Vitr. 10.1 | About This Work »